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“I never know what I think about something until I read what I’ve written on it.”
William Faulkner

My blog went live July 4, 2010.

I breathed a sigh of freedom. Finally, I can write whatever I want and publish it the same day. For a moment, I felt like I landed a New York Times bestseller.

The next moment, I cringed. Almost visibly. My ideas are half-baked and unedited and I’m putting it out there for anyone to read. What was I thinking? Or was I thinking?

In paid publications, an editor cuts what is best left out of the story.

Like the editor who edited out wagnanimous mainly because it’s not a word, but also because it was too cutesy for the article.

Another editor cut a paragraph in half when I rambled.

Still another cut the story in half. I’m exaggerating to make a point.

That point is, when my writing goes live on my blog, there’s no one to stop me. I’m a free bird, but that doesn’t mean my writing’s going to fly.

I included wagnanimous in a post, but had second thoughts, so I asked my husband.

“Is wagnanimous a silly word? I don’t want my blog to sound silly.”

He raised his eyebrow.

What did that mean?

“And the post about Sandra Bullock and Jesse James? Should I trash it?”

He stared ahead.

Was that a yes or a no?

What about criticism?

I blog about everyday life lessons. Neutral enough, I hope. But I bet sometime, in some blog, I’m going to offend someone. Or I’m going to contradict myself because I change my mind. Or the reader is going to make a valid point, and why didn’t I think of that?

Someone could take a post personally when I didn’t have them in mind at all. I might sound like a know-it-all, or worse, like I have no idea what I’m talking about.

What’s going around in your head?

WRite wHere I’m supposed to be – My ideas and my blog are half-baked, at best. Which brings to mind, my best is good enough and so is yours. Deal?

I have something for you!


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