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“And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose!”
Twas the Night Before Christmas (Photo by Mike Lyncheski)

The holiday was magical, from the first torn paper on Christmas morning until the following evening, when we sat around my sister-in-law’s dining room table and giggled with her daughters.

It was forty eight hours of family, friends and pets. There was conversation by a crackling fire, glitter gift wrap, tasty turkey, and warm Christmas cookies. Love. Lots of laughter.

Time making memories.

We even shopped in the falling snow along streets that looked like a Christmas village on display.

Every Christmas has not shown itself like this year’s miracle, probably because miraculous things happen more often in quiet and undemanding settings. And often miracles follow a formula – believe in God, wait on his timing, and act accordingly.

Left to my own devices, I would have messed up our holiday. I had a different plan for the weekend.

I certainly didn’t do it perfectly, but God did.

What makes your holiday sparkle?

WRite wHere I’m supposed to be – The miracle came when I gave in and enjoyed it. May each of us have a year of wonder-filled letting go and letting God. And to all a good night …

On the side: Thanks to my family for the most wonderful Christmas morning, to my husband for a relaxing evening and a fun-filled next day, and to his sister for our special family time.

Also, much appreciation goes to our friend, Bob Lyncheski, for sharing his son’s enchanting photo and to Mike for giving permission to post it. Click here to see more of Mike Lyncheski’s photography.


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