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“When all the details fit perfectly, something is probably wrong with the story.”
Charles Baxter

Everything went right that year.

After writing thousands of words and submitting to dozens of publishers, I finally saw my stories in print.

The editor who mentored my work asked if I’d like to write a human interest column for her newspaper. Right up my alley. I also wrote for a glossy magazine about Upstate SC homes and their owners.

Our nearly hundred-year-old fixer-upper was featured in This Old House magazine. I wrote the story.

We sold that house the following month for four times what we paid.

My husband and I bought a downsized home of our dreams, 700 feet from the ocean, along the stretch of the Grand Strand called the Golden Mile.

Family was on track. Our son had a great-paying job, and our daughter and her boyfriend bought a house and began the remodel.

And I, well, I was miserable.

A turning point in my life. Whatever could go right, did. And still I was unhappy, scared, lost.

I found my answer at a book study. I don’t remember the title, only one sentence.

“If you’re unhappy, it may be because you’re still in pain.”

All the good life experiences couldn’t fix what was broken and hurting inside. That year brought me to my knees, where I belonged long before 2008.

Ever felt so low that getting on your knees was a step up?

WRite wHere I’m supposed to be – Dear God, I’m not especially good at focusing on you even when I know no one and nothing else can heal the pain and fill my emptiness. Because you’re graceful anyway, you’re doing for me what I can’t do for myself, bringing me to the end of myself so I can live fully for you.

On the side: The oil painting is of our home that was featured in This Old House. It was painted by artist Ruth Cox.

This post was rewritten and featured by Jeff Goins on his site, Wrecked. Click here to read “The Perfect Year – Wrecked.”

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