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“Freedom lies in being bold.” Robert Frost

One year ago this weekend, I started blogging. 

Beginning my blog on July 4th didn’t have any significance at the time. It seemed random. Our son and his girlfriend were staying with us for the weekend and she guided me through the set-up for Well-Written Days.

I wrote stuff like Mr. Potato Head’s lesson about the sense of walking. My father-in-law’s wise sayings. Dad’s military service.

I wrote about 2008, the turn-around year. I wrote about a fairy tale ended between Sandra Bullock and Jessie James.

I wrote words I wouldn’t say out loud because someone may not agree with me, may not like me, may not understand me.

Even now, after writing online for a year, my stomach sometimes tenses when I click “publish” to send what I’ve written to subscribers and Facebook friends and Twitter followers.

But once the words are in print, I feel over-the-top free.

Writing minimizes the distance between me and a life fulfilled. I remember a college professor saying, “Self actualization is when who you are and who you want to be come together.”

Today I’m writing Well-Written Days’ 100th blog post, which means I’m 100 posts closer to being who I want to be, who I was created to be.

What frees you? What moves you closer to being you?

WRite wHere I’m supposed to be – I believe realizing and using our talents sets us free … a personal Independence Day, of sorts. Here’s to living the life God planned for us, more dazzling than fireworks!

I have something for you!


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