Christmas is in the details. So is all of life.
The excitement of a child sharing his Christmas list.
Preparation of food and baking batches of homemade cookies.
Wrapping gifts with sparkly red ribbon to match the paper, and tying on nametags lined with glitter.
Christmas is in addressing each envelope and sealing it with a snowflake sticker.
It’s in laughter and celebrations and a hug from a good friend. One who wishes you a merry season filled with blessings and prosperity.
It’s in the peacefulness when the only things lit throughout the house are twinkling lights and the fireplace.
Christmas is in buying a warm coat for a child you may never meet.
Sending goodie-filled boxes to troops who won’t come home for the holidays. Shopping for a blanket to give someone who is in need of a Secret Santa.
Christmas is in the anticipation during the quietest daybreak of the year, just before kids are up and gifts are unwrapped.
It’s in the time curled up in front of a heartwarming movie. The giggles and a quick kiss under mistletoe.
Christmas is in the moment baby Jesus is laid in the family’s manger scene.
What details make your day?
WRite wHere I’m supposed to be – Christmas is in the details. So is all of life.
Louis Sullivan, architect credited with designing the first high rise in America, and architect for the Farnsworth House designed to look as if it were a house of glass floating over the ground, and several of his\” modern\” buildings said \” God is in the Details\”
He is in the details of our lives if we allow, and as His children, sons and daughters we are blessed when we mirror God\’s love by reflecting a bit more extra, the details and special detailed moments to pass on the joy of life to those around us. You do.
And I love the snowflakes, another little detail.
Thanks so much, Joel. When I was looking up quotes, I saw that one about \”God is in the details\” but had no idea about Louis Sullivan. That\’s interesting. I take a comment from you on this post as a big compliment since an architect like yourself knows about details. Thanks for all your joyful encouragement throughout 2011, and have a blessed and bountiful 2012. See you next year!