by skimhenson | Oct 26, 2012 | depression
The first time I admitted my secret, I was in a spiritual meeting with several women friends who nodded while I shared five minutes of my story. Until that morning, I labeled my depression a funk, feeling kind of blue, being down and out, a gloomy mood. I joked about...
by skimhenson | Oct 14, 2012 | letting go, pain
After her 20-year marriage ended, my sister-in-law talked about what her counselor shared to help with the grief. “You’re not grieving over what you had. You’re grieving over what you wish you had,” she said. Grief doesn’t distinguish between losing something real and...
by skimhenson | Oct 8, 2012 | guest posts, talent
I’m guest posting on the blog of writer friend Andy Lee. Andy is pursuing publication of her first book, A Mary Like Me, which explores the human hearts of three biblical women named Mary. Her blog by the same name encourages us to follow our call whether to a...