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“Never make the blunder of trying to forecast the way God is going to answer your prayer.” Oswald Chambers

“Never make the blunder of trying to forecast the way God is going to answer your prayer.” Oswald Chambers

It was after midnight when I saw the post on my Facebook wall asking if I planned to sign up for Write2Ignite.

The message was from someone I didn’t know asking if I planned to attend a conference I’d never heard of, one for writers of literature for children and young adults.

There was no way my new writer friend, who found me through a mutual writer friend, had any idea how much I needed her invitation.

I wondered often if writing for children was a project to pursue, or if I was interested only because I thought it’d be faster than writing chapter after chapter of an adult book.

Maybe it was a distraction from what I was really meant to do.

Maybe I thought it’d be easy. Funny, I know. Writing children’s books is hard work.

Before I responded, I researched the conference and its 2012 presenters. Included in the lineup were representatives from Focus on the Family, Hartline Literary Agency, and JourneyForth Books. I read workshop titles right up my alley like “Make Your Manuscript Stand Out!” and “The Language of Children’s Picture Books.”

When I saw the conference was being held where my adult children live, just outside Greenville, South Carolina, and I knew I could stay with one of them, I was pretty sure my attendance was meant to be.

I was also pretty sure Write2Ignite was the answer to my prayer “What next?”  

The Write2Ignite Team continued to accept scholarship applications, good news since my husband and I were writing checks for our daughter’s fall wedding. I wasn’t sure I could justify the cost of a writing conference in the midst of wedding expenses. I applied and heard back in less than two weeks.

I was appreciative for confirmation that came in the form of a full scholarship from author Cecil Murphey. 

If only all prayers were answered in the same ways: quick, crystal clear and with delightful results. 

The conference was better than I imagined. The campus where we met was attractive and manicured, meeting rooms were comfortable, and the food was the best I’ve eaten at a conference. Presenters were professional and knowledgeable, as well as friendly and available.

Best of all, I returned home refreshed and with lots of information and ideas.

What’s the best conference you’ve attended and why? You can name a writing conference, one for self-improvement, managing finances, marketing, etc. I’d love to hear and I’m sure readers would also. 

WRite wHere I’m supposed to be – Thanks for the opportunity, Write2Ignite Team and Cecil Murphey. The conference was right where I was supposed to be.

I have something for you!


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