When I say I stubbed my toe, I mean I jammed it going 5 miles an hour into yet another cement block that got in my way. Tripping over one in a Wilmington parking lot is how I broke my nose.
I was tempted to excuse the accident with a statement like “God wants my attention.” I thought about all the times I’ve attributed unpleasant experiences to God teaching me lessons. Indirectly, I guess it is about learning because that’s how he designed our world. If I’m honest, though, the accidents and ailments likely have more to do with how I’m living (or not living) my life. And how I’m learning (or not learning) those lessons.
Although I didn’t recognize it at the time, my “don’t take anything stronger than Tylenol” and “only go to doctor in an emergency” mentality began when an ob-gyn prescribed medication so I could get pregnant. The problem was, I was already pregnant and, under those circumstances, the medicine was unsafe.
I agonized until I got in with another physician. It just so happened that on his staff was a nurse midwife who didn’t shave, drove a VW van, and grew her own food before organic was the fad. Meeting her (and being a hippy at heart myself) began a journey to natural childbirth and an interest in natural health and healing.
I had no idea how to nurture that interest until someone suggested Louise Hay’s book You Can Heal Your Life.
Before that introduction, I was familiar and comfortable attributing my accidents and ailments to being God’s will. Or blaming bad luck and bad genes. Or ignoring how much my emotional mindset and spiritual condition factored into my physical wellbeing.
I think we all sort of know we’re answerable for more of what happens to us than we want to take responsibility for. We say things like “I’m sick over the situation” or “I feel like I’m trying to get sick” or “I made myself sick.” We say about others, “They brought it on themselves.” But when it’s time to do something about not making ourselves sick, we come up short.
Expecting total good health and an accident-free life is unreasonable. Awareness, however, is reasonable. This is where Hay’s book comes in helpful. During a mishap or illness, one of the first things I do is check the emotional diagnosis in You Can Heal Your Life. Hay wrote more than 50 pages to address problems, their probable causes, and new thought patterns for healing. Many times, physical problems show up before we’re aware of emotional and spiritual turmoil.
I’m not suggesting we eliminate God’s help or medical help, but that we take responsibility by helping ourselves.
My blue and aching toe? Toe problems represent “the minor details in the future.” Bruises indicate “the little bumps in life and self-punishment.” Hay suggests positive self-talk like the one for self-punishment, “I love and cherish myself.”
Are you experiencing accidents and/or physical ailments that need your emotional and spiritual attention?
WRite wHere I’m supposed to be – When things go wrong, we tend to credit God and the lessons he has for us to learn, when, in fact, the lesson might be to take our share of the responsibility.
Thanks so much for telling me about this book and Louise Hay way back when. As for the spiritual connection – I believe it goes hand in hand – if we don\’t love ourselves, take care of ourselves, carry resentment etched whatever the lesson to be learned, God has made our bodies to respond physically to that in order to make sure we get the message loud and clear. Great topic! I could go on and on but I won\’t 🙂 thanks Kim!
Thanks so much for your comment, Linda. I could go on and on as well. It\’s important to pay attention to our bodies. Otherwise, they get our attention in other (not so positive) ways. How well we know, right? Love you.
that looks quite painful!… and I do understand the \”taking responsibility\” for things that happen to us…good post!
It was really painful at the time, Marilyn, but then didn\’t feel as bad as it looked. I\’d sure like to blame someone or something else, but it always comes back to me.
How true. We were created with a brain and expected to use it
We sure were, Niki. Sometimes I use my brain to figure out how to wiggle out of my responsibilities. That\’s why I have to keep writing these sorts of posts. 🙂 Love that you dropped by to comment!
Yes, Kim. Thanks for the mention of the book. Sounds like a must read for me. Sondra
it\’s a good one, Sondra. I\’ve kept it close at hand for years.
That one is really good!!
Thanks, Mildred. Lunches help with healing also. 🙂
Kim, bless that little pea picking toe of yours! It looks soooo painful, but on the bright side: your pedicure looks amazing! Loved your post! Great word! Beth
Hahaha, Beth. Thanks for noticing my pedicure. If not for the shop up the street, I wouldn\’t have been so willing to post my toe picture. Love you and your comment.
OMG KIm, not again.Thank God you didn\’t break your nose(again).Looks really painful.Can\’t take you anywhere !!!
Yes,and I am going to get that book after I read all the Joyce Meyer ones I have.
Hahahaha, Helgi. I know. John\’s starting to think the same thing, but it makes for interesting blog posts. The book is fascinating. Enjoy Joyce Meyer\’s books while they last … good reads.
Now you have me afraid to check out your next post, Kim – although I guess if you\’re actually posting whatever limb you\’ve damaged is probably still attached! I always enjoy reading about your perspective and I love your focus on the spiritual connection to all areas of our lives.
Hi Shel, so far all body parts are attached and working, but you never know what I\’ll do to keep it interesting around here. Keep checking on me, okay? 🙂 Thanks for stopping by.
Insightful as usual Kim. We all need to take more responsibility for our actions and the results of those actions. Thank you!
Rick, I wholeheartedly agree even though I often find myself taking the lazy way out – blaming God or others. I’m praying for funny lessons from now on.