by skimhenson | Aug 26, 2016 | freedom, getting your own life, letting go, relationships, relationships, parent and child
“If we had God’s power, we would change everything. If we had God’s wisdom, we’d change nothing.” Scott Richardson If you’re a parent, especially a mother, you likely know the feeling when family gathers all together after not seeing...
by skimhenson | Aug 19, 2016 | acceptance, choices and decisions, time well spent
“May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.” Nelson Mandela I’ve heard about Martha and Mary so often, I almost zoned out during Sunday’s sermon because the message is always the same, “Be merry like Mary.” The biblical story (Luke 10:38-42 NIV) is about...
by skimhenson | Aug 5, 2016 | listening and talking
“Say what you mean, but don’t say it mean.” Anonymous I’ve written a lot lately about speaking up. Next thing I know, I’m also speaking up on my vlog, but this time it’s about being quiet unless we frame what we say in a positive light, in a way that tells what we...