“Prayer changes everything.”
After I wrote about really reading our Bibles, I thought about how often I used to say “I’ll pray for you,” but I really didn’t.
Sometimes I said it out of habit. Sometimes I said it because I didn’t know what else to say. Sometimes I said it because I meant to really pray, but I got distracted and didn’t.
My friend said, “Every thought is a prayer,” so I went with that. According to her, I prayed all the time.
If you could have read my thoughts, though, you’d know that wasn’t true. I didn’t even try to change my mind. I just wished that prayer would come easy and be simple. Sometimes it did and it was.
However, God wants our intentional and specific prayers too, ones we’ve thought through and asked for in detail.
After I read Mark Batterson’s book The Circle Maker: Praying Circles Around Your Biggest Dreams and Greatest Fears, I got serious about my prayer life and about intercession, which is praying for others. He said, “There is nothing God loves more than keeping promises, answering prayers, performing miracles, and fulfilling dreams. That is whoHe is. That is what He does.”
Batterson recapped the story from the Bible about the Israelites marching around Jericho’s walls 13 times (one time a day for six days and seven times on the seventh day). They literally circled what they prayed for.
I heard the story about the walls falling so often in Sunday school, told it to my own children, and saw cartoon illustrations that, without realizing it, I demoted it to a children’s lesson. That was, until I read what Batterson said, “For the Israelites, Jericho symbolized the fulfillment of a dream that originated with Abraham. It was the first step in claiming the Promised Land.”
Then he asked, “What is your Jericho?”
He said, “Jericho is spelled many different ways. If you have cancer, it’s spelled healing. If your child is far from God, it’s spelled salvation. If your marriage is falling apart, it’s spelled reconciliation.”
I want to be sure that when I say “I’ll pray for you” or think “I should pray about it” that I really pray.
Really pray.
I’d love to hear your thoughts about really praying and the difference it makes. And your prayer requests – leave them here or private message me and I really will pray for you.
In This Together,
Great article about really praying. As you know I spend too much time on facebook but often get requests for prayer from friends, and usually I always reply that I am praying for their requested need. I do pray a short prayer and I believe if it is truly sincere God hears and answers, one way or another. We always benefit from prayer and praying for others Another dear friend recommended reading Circle Maker, and after your explanation I may read and practice. Thank you.
There are many serious and real needs and it is great to know that God is a real prayer answering God. Thank you for your writing and your prayers. God bless.
Thank you Kim! Always pray for me and mine if you think of us.. I love you and I’m learning and striving to do better in my prayer life♥️🙏
Connie, I sure will pray for y’all. I already do daily because you come to mind every time I’m writing. And I know you’re praying for me and my family, which I appreciate so much. ❤️
I have a long way to go with my prayer life and my faith in prayer. Writing about it helps me figure out what I really believe and to work on the rest. Thanks for being in this together.
Much love to you, your girls, and your grandgirls! ❤️❤️❤️
Joel, I absolutely love “a real prayer answering God.” ❤️ I wish I had thought of that one. lol 😄
It sounds like “you’re right where you’re supposed to be” when you’re on FB. Remember that slogan? I’m serious.
I think I spend too much time on here too, but sometimes I believe it’s our ministry. I know some people would laugh at that statement, but you’re getting prayer requests … from people who may not feel comfortable asking in person and who would never ask anyone else. That’s a big deal.
Let me know if you read Circle Maker. It offered a lot of insight and especially a lot of confirmation for the power of prayer.
If you don’t mind, you might see “a real prayer answering God” again. I’ll give you credit, of course.
Thanks so much for your comments! 😍
From Facebook (Kim Henson) ~
17 Likes, Loves, Cares
Gloria Penwell-Holtzlander
Kim Henson
Gloria Penwell-Holtzlander, thank you. ❤
Denise Mangum Grady
I used to say,” I’ll pray for you”. Now I say , ” Let pray now”.
Kim Henson
Denise Mangum Grady, I love that! ❤️
Mary Jo Grieninger
When I say I’ll pray for you!!! I definitely well, it’s a commitment I make!!
Avatar smiling and folding both hands in gratitude, while slightly tilting their head to the right, and golden stars in the background
Kim Henson
Mary Jo Grieninger, me too … now! ❤ But I used to not be so committed.
Debbie Stewart Richardson
Such an honor & privilege to be able to do so!
Kim Henson
Debbie Stewart Richardson, it is! 🙏💙