“Our Father in Heaven, spark a fire of revival in our hearts like we’ve never experienced before and pray that fire would spread into our homes and our churches and our schools … and our nation.” Kirk Cameron
What a privilege it’s been to be part of the American Campfire Revival, and to continue it on. For 100 consecutive evenings, Kirk Cameron spent 20 or so minutes reading from and talking to a group of more than 10,000 of us about a book written by Dr. Marshall Foster, The American Covenant: The Untold Story.
Dr. Foster wrote about our nation’s history (His story) and all that God had to do with it. It’s not a book about dead people and dates, but about the life of our country and how to get back to the covenants made with our forefathers by God.
The 100 days are available to watch on Kirk’s Facebook page. He also has them available at his website kirkcameron.com on The 100 Days Video Collection Celebration. I have 150 pages of notes that I wish I could share with you.
Watching it, though, is what stirred me about a month into the series to begin and commit to my own 100-day plan. I started on February 17th writing these blog posts. I felt uncertain about whether I’d follow through when I typed the first one titled “My 100-Day Plan, Day 1: Challenged @ Kirk Cameron’s American Campfire Revival.”
I am so grateful to still be blogging, still inspired by Kirk’s commitment and God’s manifestation during the hundred days, and still excited about my own personal revival and being a part of the beginnings of one in our country.
“We’re starting a journey on this 100th day …,” he said.
This is a revival, not a revolution. We fight on our knees, then get up and do something, whatever it is that God’s calling each of us individually to do.
Be like Rudy, the little dachshund that Kirk shared the spotlight with on one of the 100 nights. Rudy fiercely barked at noises in the woods, unafraid of the size and power of the opposition. We can be just that brave because our God is bigger than anything that scares us.
It’s our time to flame the fires of revival and, like in CAIN’s song The Commission, go tell the world about Jesus. Jesus said love God, love people. Kirk said we’re the encore to our 100 days together.
What is God calling you to do? Go do it.
In This Together,