“To give good advice, you have to make bad mistakes.” Unknown
If we’ve tried to do things our way again and again and it hasn’t worked for a decade or two or three, it’s probably never going to work. That’s how I came up with this list of bad advice. They began as good ideas … that ended up not working.
Bad Advice #1: Figure It Out
If you could read my thoughts, you’d know I spend way too much time trying to figure out things. “Figure it out” isn’t one of the Ten Commandments. It isn’t encouraged anywhere in the Bible. It reaps anguish instead of answers. All that happens when I try to figure it out (whatever “it” is) is I end up feeling panicked and way out of sorts.
Faith that God will work it out is the antidote to “figure it out.”
Bad Advice #2: Focus On People
The Bible says love people. It doesn’t say focus on them. If we give up our focus on God to focus on people, we make them our gods. When we focus on God, we’re more likely to live in peace and live our purpose.
Focusing on God is the antidote to focusing on people.
Bad Advice #3: Fix People
We say we’re helping people, but too often we set out to fix them (fix who they are) instead of fixing them a meal or fixing their car. Helping is a good thing as long as we don’t resort to trying to control our family and friends.
Serving people is the antidote to fixing people.
When a friend saw me running myself in circles, he said, “Why don’t you try doing the opposite of what you’re doing now?” Now that’s good advice.
What opposite behavior do you need to begin today?
In This Together,
Happy Mother’s Day Kim!
I love you ❤️
Thanks, Connie. Happy Mother’s Day to you! ❤️
Much love!
Happy Mothers Day on your 80th day of blogging. You’re faithful.
I love your antidotes for the bad advice ideas.
“Faith that God will work things out, Focus on God, Serve People”
That works !
Great insight.
Believing that God will keep us on that path, the obstacle as usual is self and doubt. My everyday prayer: “Lord keep us in your will”
Thanks a lot, Joel! I’m so happy to have made it this far. I want to finish well on this 100 days and then begin whatever is next.
And whatever I’ve shared lately has probably been something I’ve heard at Solid Rock, so you’re probably hearing it here for a second time.
By the way, wasn’t today’s sermon something else? I need to listen to it another time or two. Best overview of the Bible that I’ve ever heard.
I love your prayer. It’s one I would benefit from praying daily too because, yes, self and doubt crop up all the time. Thanks for sharing it. 🤩