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“You are 42% more likely to achieve your goal simply by writing it down.” Dr. Gail Matthews, psychology professor

In two weeks, I’ll complete my 100-day plan to post a blog post daily for 100 days. 

On day 59, I wrote a post titled “Have A Plan” about needing to have goals and writing down those goals. 

This post is the beginning of that plan. I especially wanted to share my writing goal for the remainder of 2021. I plan to finish any of these with deadlines by December 31. 

Spiritual Purposes: 

  • Continue to attend church and Sunday school weekly. 
  • Finish reading the Message translation of the Bible.
  • Read and study the Bible daily alongside one other book. 

Physical Purposes:

  • Walk daily. 
  • Eat only one sugary snack a day.

Professional Purposes:

  • Write and publish a blog post four days a week (Monday through Thursday).
  •  Complete my manuscript (in blog post format).  

The latter purpose affects my readers. Actually, all of my purposes make an impression on what and how I write. However, my professional purpose has a direct impact on you when you stop by here. Several friends asked about my plan to keep on blogging. 

After I complete my 100-day plan at the end of May, I’ll take off a couple of weeks. Then I’ll write and post my manuscript four days a week. That way, I’m forced to edit my rough draft and write it into publishable blog posts. 

I typically don’t make resolutions. I simply choose a word of the year. This year’s word happened to be discipline that happened to lead to writing down my purposes. Thanks to everyone who hung in here with me. I was so encouraged by your comments, emails, and private messages.

What’s your plan for the rest of 2021? 

In This Together,

I have something for you!


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