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I hope this one’s not to silly for you, but I love a play on words and our pastor told the best rocking chair story on Sunday. I recapped it below, but it’s not nearly as special as hearing him tell it. 

Anyhow, I rocked this blog post … the best I could. 

Off Your Rocker
“You’re mad, bonkers, completely off your head.  But I’ll tell you a secret. All of the best people are.” Lewis Carroll from Alice In Wonderland

I was bonkers for way too many years until I finally hit my bottom. 

Rock Bottom
“Sometimes God lets you hit rock bottom so that you will discover that He is the rock at the bottom.” Tony Evans

I’m so grateful God used my moments at the bottom to prepare me for a raising up by Him like I never expected. 

The Rock
My God is my rock. From Psalm 18:2 (NIV)

How perfect is it that my church’s name is Solid Rock? And how perfect their example is of living out their name. The world shut down last spring and they (the church across the street from my house) opened up, so I attended and joined and God’s been transforming me ever since. 

Rock Your Faith
You (God) have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. From Psalm 30:11 (NLT)

God attended to every detail, too. I followed a popular local band because dancing is my thing. Nothing’s wrong with that, but late nights at a bar really isn’t my thing. Dancing at the back of the church on Sunday mornings … my thing, my thing, my thing. Thank you, Jesus, for some of the best music in Myrtle Beach. 

The Rocker
And here’s to rocking out the final story … 

Pastor JP told about a multimillionaire who approached his minister to challenge the idea of having time to spend daily with Jesus. The minister challenged him back to set aside 10 minutes a day. The man bought a rocking chair and took the challenge. 

When he died years later, the minister asked the man’s wife what she planned to do with his rocker. She said it’d be passed down to their children and their grandchildren for generations because she watched God transform her husband’s life in that rocker, 10 minutes at a time. 

I can’t end without sharing The Spinners singing “Working My Way Back to You.” So much of their song applies to how I feel about getting back to God. It’s not that I left Him, but I sure did lose my passion. 

A funny side note – our mountain house is in a small community named Rocky Bottom. It’s one of the places I feel closest to God.  

Are you rocking your relationship with Him? You knew that was coming, right? 

In This Together,

I have something for you!


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