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“To taste the sweetness of Life, you must have the power to forget the bitterness of the past.” Unknown

Kind words are like honey, sweet to the soul and healthy for the body. Proverbs 16:24 NLT

I’m writing this post after I watched a husband roll his wife (who suffered from ALS) in her wheelchair onto the dance floor at their son’s wedding. The son lifts her from the chair and holds her throughout their mother and son dance. The video’s so emotional and such an example of sweetness. Hopefully you can watch the video by clicking here: MNF Productions Weddings at The Barn at Sycamore Farms, Most Emotional Mother-Son Dance Ever.  

I wonder sometimes how to hold onto sweet moments instead of giving into the world’s fear and harshness. 

A friend reminds our women’s group that for something sweet to come out, something sweet has to be put in, and I’m not talking about chocolate cake. Carrying on the sweetness analogy with desert, if we soak a brownie in vinegar, we can’t expect it to taste sweet. 

In his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey said the only way to make lasting changes is “inside-out.” We can’t expect something outside of us to make changes for us. We’re responsible from the inside out.

We need to be especially vigilant when we’re under pressure. Philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche said, “Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster.”

That’s why it matters so much who we spend our time with, the images, videos, and shows we watch on social media and on TV, the articles and books we read, and the ideas we think about. It matters how we spend our time. It matters that we have Jesus in our lives because time with Him is sweet and sweetens us.

Are you like me and longing for more sweetness in your life? We’ll only find it when we cultivate it inside of us. 

In This Together,

I have something for you!


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