Happy are the people who are in such a state;
Happy are the people whose God is the Lord.
Psalm 144:15 (NKJV)
The Bible’s definition of happiness is above, literally and figuratively. Below is what the dictionary said about it.
Merriam-Webster defined happiness like this:
The state of being happy: joy
1. a state of well-being and contentment : joy
2. a pleasurable or satisfying experience
The dictionary listed as its synonyms these words:
Beatitude, blessedness, bliss, blissfulness, felicity, gladness, joy, and warm fuzzies.
And its antonyms:
Calamity, ill-being, misery, sadness, unhappiness, and wretchedness.
Most interesting were the related words to happiness from the list of 45 or so. They included heaven, paradise, glory, and rapture.
And from the near antonyms list came hell and purgatory.
So, happiness is not about prosperity, popularity, or getting published … or any of our other purposes we set above God.
The Bible and the dictionary agree. Happiness is interchangeable with Joy, tied to God and heaven, and in opposition to hell.
I can’t tell you how many how-to articles and books I read about happiness that complicated and watered down the simple message of happiness.
Happiness is about setting our sights (for ourselves and others) on God and heaven. Period.
In This Together,
Thanks to Pixabay.com for their consistently professional images they offer for free.
FYI: I’m blogging my book titled On The Other Side of Trying Hard: Healing, Happiness, and Holiness. Because these blog posts are a manuscript instead of stand-alone stories, some posts may leave you hanging. I hope you’ll hang in here with us anyway ‘cause a happy ending is coming. My blog post title includes the chapter title first. The phrase in parentheses is the subheading. I’m over-the-top grateful to have you here. I’d love to hear your reflections, questions, and comments.
Love your pixabay flaming zipper in the clouds. That seems to convey a striking contrast related to your subject. Words: As you write, evaluate and explain words, their meanings and make it easier to understand;
I’ve been thinking about words and for me words are difficult to express, choosing the right words is very difficult. That’s why I could never be a writer. I’m so glad God understands our unspoken feelings and communications. I’m glad to know gifted writers like you who paint beauty and understanding with word pictures.
Thank you Kim.
Awe, Joel, you’ve always been so encouraging about my writing. Thank you. ❤️
Because of your uplifting words, I’m surprised you don’t think you’re good with them and with communication. I always appreciate your comments so much, and most times your words help clear up mine … even for me. lol 🤩
Oh, I love the image too. It came from Pixabay.com and seemed perfect for here.
Thank you Kim !
Love you, Connie! ❤️