by skimhenson | Dec 8, 2010 | book reviews and interviews
Are you still tweeting with Timothy Hutton? Who else famous have you crossed paths with as your book gains notoriety? It’s been a while since I’ve tweeted with him, or since I’ve seen him on Twitter, though I suspect we’re probably just tweeting at different times....
by skimhenson | Dec 7, 2010 | book reviews and interviews
You talked about taking the writing path early on and not experimenting in other careers. How have you made your living? Strictly writing or have you supplemented your income with other work? It’s nearly impossible for anyone, certainly any writer starting out, to...
by skimhenson | Dec 6, 2010 | book reviews and interviews
Author Elizabeth Eslami, native of Upstate S.C., is debuting her novel, Bone Worship. An article about Elizabeth recently appeared in her hometown and nearby papers. Read it here. Read articles by Elizabeth here. Thanks, Elizabeth, for allowing Well-Written Days to...