Within three weeks of each other, I was asked by two friends to share about myself.
One tagged me on Facebook and suggested I write seven things that others may not know. By the time I got to number three, I received a second similar message.
List 25 things about myself.
I procrastinated. Several times I struck the project from my writing to-do list, only to add it back by afternoon. I had reasons I wanted to write the list, and just as many excuses why I didn’t. I’m happy to say reasons trumped excuses, and because of that I know more about myself today than yesterday.
Here’s my list. Where’s yours?
1. I loved raising my kids through their teen years, and grew up a little myself.
2. I taught ballet, took ballroom dancing, danced on two clogging teams and performed with one, and instructed Zumba classes. I can’t shag (and I live at the beach).
3. I delivered both my children naturally and lived to tell them about it, and tell them about it, and tell them about it.
4. I ate a bowl of Jell-O while sitting in my car, just before checking into the hospital to give birth to our daughter. They told me not to eat, but who does that sort of physical labor without nourishment?
5. I’ve watched the movie Dreamer at least nine times. Okay, maybe ninety times. The story gives me hope.
6. I was too afraid to try out for the tennis team in high school so I waited till my mid-thirties to play competitively.
7. I like shoes a LOT. At this moment, I own 73 pairs, and that’s after downsizing. Ridiculous, I know.
8. I’ve had articles published in and on Clubhouse magazine, The Daily Green, MSN.com, This Old House magazine, Lifeway publications, and most recently, Jeff Goins’ blog.
9. I hiked the Appalachian Trail (for a day), hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon and back out, walked a remote and very high section of the Great Wall, and rode to the top of the St. Louis Gateway Arch. I’m afraid of heights.
10. I’ve been married 34 years to my best friend. Our gentle years are ahead.
11. I wanted to be a counselor most of my life till family and friends said I should write. Best advice (and therapy) ever – it helps to put my thoughts on paper. My hope is readers’ days are a little more well-written and brightened by my writing.
12. I see the ocean every day, unless we’re traveling.
13. I appreciate encouraging, honest and kind friends more than ever. I say “I’m sorry” more easily than ever. I say “I love you” more often than ever.
14. I’ve ridden my own Honda Rebel motorcycle and on the back of my husband’s Harley and Gold Wing. These days I prefer a golf cart.
15. I feel sleepy when I hear the sound of a vacuum cleaner. My husband sometimes vacuum while I relax on the couch.
16. I cry every time I read Martin Luther King, Jr’s words “I have a dream.”
17. I listened to Rascal Flatts’ song “I’m Movin’ On” hundreds of times before I moved on.
18. When I’m around my granddogs, I talk in their voices almost as much as I do my own.
19. I bawl during “Good Will Hunting” when Robin Williams tells Matt Damon “It’s not your fault.”
20. I’m alive today because of my friend Betty and my kids. Love and gratitude pale when I try to put into words their contributions to my life.
21. I have trouble with the words “I deserve,” but feel comforted when I say, “I approve of myself.”
22. I seriously thought about signing up for a cupcake-eating contest just so I could eat two for free, but realized that wasn’t really the point.
23. I got so upset about a phone call I received on my way into Wal-Mart that halfway through my shopping list, I realized I was pushing someone else’s cart. I did a quick switch when I finally found my original cart. My apologies to the other shopper.
24. I used to find a lot wrong with others so I wouldn’t have to look at myself. I’m relieved to finally know focusing on myself is the solution to all my problems. And God, of course.
25. I look for signs everywhere like found money, dragonflies, our lucky number 13, the same message showing up three times, a line from a song, a quote from a movie. I told you, everywhere.
More? Just a few I can’t bear to leave out.
I like chocolate, love stories, cakes and cookies, a long walk, songs that make me cry, breezy days, our pillowtop mattress, living by water, down comforters, a swimming pool with a pink float, walking in the rain, dogs, green grass and lots of trees, my hammock chair, massages, napping on a comfy couch with chimes nearby …
WRite wHere I’m supposed to be – I hope you’ll accept the challenge to write your list of 25 things, and share your link in the comment section so we can get to know you better. Pretty please. It’s actually fun and enlightening once you get going.
On the side: Thanks for the challenge from friends whose lists I admire, Jocelyn Wilhelm @ JW Social Media and author Jean Dalton.
Photo “What does your heart say?” used by permission from Kelly Rae Roberts .
Now I like you even more …
And you inspired me. I accepted the challenge (check my Friday blog!)
#7 … impressive, Imelda.
And #24 — very wise.
Apparently we both have night owlish tendencies. If we lived next door, we could stay up till all hours eating icing and trying on shoes. A lot of mine are flip flops (the beach is nearby, you know), but they were counted just the same as heels and boots.
I can\’t wait to read your list, Beth! Friday just won\’t come soon enough.
Proud of you for getting this done! I love how you distinguished Jell-O as nourishment in #4.
Beth, you see why it was such a task, right? I had to come up with 25 and look at that word count. Jell-O rocks (and jiggles a bit) for nourishment! Always appreciate your comments.
I was wondering if you were ever going to get to this. I saw the invite ages ago. LOL! Great list. Isn\’t it amazing what you can learn about your digital friends!
Told you I\’m sporadic of late, and a bit slow. My writing to-do list gets longer by the day, and I love it. Love being busy. Love having something to look forward to. Hope you\’ll share a list, Mallie. I look forward to reading it.
I did one of these many years ago, so I know how hard is it to complete! You did a lovely job and it\’s wonderful getting to know you this way. 🙂 Thanks for being brave.
Sure hope you\’ll revive your list, Brooke. If so, be sure to share it here. We\’d love to read all about you.
Okay … because you asked (and I\’m feeling brave today):
1. I appreciate my parents for being “hard on me” and not handing everything to me on a silver platter (even though when I was younger this was my chief complaint).
2. I LOVE what I do, which is great but it also kinda makes me a workaholic.
3. I have to fall asleep with the TV on. It also has to be very dark and very silent … I know, a total oxymoron.
4. Dishes in the sink drive me crazy.
5. I make up little dances with my friends.
6. I’m supremely wary of mean people. I perceive mean as insecure and, based on my experiences, insecure people are not people I want in my life.
7. I’m from Texas and I say “y’all” constantly. I hate when people say it’s not word; it’s a contraction and it means “you all.”
8. I love music. It inspires me and I do my best thinking when it’s blaring in my ears.
9. I’m extremely sympathetic towards animals, but I still eat meat. Recently, my grandmother gave me one of her furs … so I guess I wear fur, too. I hope that doesn’t make me a bad person.
10. I’m extremely attracted to smart people. I’ll take brains over brawn any day.
11. Lying is one of my biggest pet peeves.
12. I like to have labels facing out: in the refrigerator, in the shower, EVERYWHERE. I know…C R A Z Y.
13. I gave up caring about what people say and think about me a few years ago; it made life much easier.
14. I believe in therapy. With out it, I might not be the person I am today, and that would be a tragedy.
15. I’m incredibly silly when I’m around people I trust and love.
16. I make up songs about things. I’m a terrible singer – so it’s funnier than you think.
17. I think girls who are competitive with other girls (besides being insecure) are holding women back from being better.
18. My mom is one of my best friends. I wish every girl could experience the kind of relationship we have.
19. I didn’t believe in marriage (for me) until recently.
20. I’m a voracious reader. Like as in, can-read-a-book-a-day-and-retain-it-all kind of reader.
21. White, powdered donuts are my KRYPTONITE.
22. I like to make lists and cross off my tasks when I’ve finished them. If I do something that wasn’t on the list, I write it down just so I can cross it off.
23. My mom always told me that my thirties would be the best time of my life. This is one time when I’m glad she was right.
24. I believe in karma. I believe what you put out into the world will come back to you times three.
25. I’m obsessed with lavender. The flower, the essential oil, the smell, the color … it you haven’t had lavender ice cream, you’re missing out!
Oh my gosh, Brooke. You did it and in the same day as the challenge! It took me months.
#7 Y\’all is also a word in South Carolina.
#18 So grateful to have this with my daughter.
#21 Mine is on the same rack, the waxy chocolate covered ones.
So happy to get to know you better. I think we\’d get along great, especially since I don\’t have to share my donuts with you. : ) Will you share your lavender ice cream? Just a taste.
Love your list!
Thanks! 🙂 And I\’ll share anything … except for maybe the LAST white, powdered donut.
And I would never take the last one unless it was chocolate. We\’re a good team.
Wonder if this is going to post in order? It\’s not in the right place at the moment. Let\’s see.
Ha! I love the list idea! I work off of a calendar I have tried lists but I get depressed when I don\’t get every thing done. Maybe I should do what you do and add the things I have done just so I can cross them out. Might help me be more positive about my lists.
This is why sharing about ourselves is so important. We get ideas from each other, and good ones.
Love your list, your honesty, and your insight into yourself. When I joined Facebook three years ago, these lists used to be circulated all the time. I only ever did one, and it was much shorter. I actually just saw it again a few weeks ago on the \”Notes\” section on my FB page. I had completely forgotten about it. When I saw it, I immediately deleted it. I never took the time to write and post a full-fledged list because I didn\’t think anyone really cared enough about me to know those things. Your list made me realize that while it might be amusing for those reading it, it is much more enlightening for the one writing it. I might just do it myself – to examine myself, to express myself, simply just for myself. Hope your list inspires others also. 🙂
Sure wish you hadn\’t deleted your list, Anjana. I\’d be reading it now. I hope you\’ll write another and share it. The activity kind of takes on a life of its own. I was surprised what came to mind.
I\’d love for you to post your list here, but if not, let me know where so I can read it. Okay?
Hi Kim,
Just read your list & enjoyed getting to know you better! Had to chuckle about delivering two babies, natural CB! I, too took that challenge with our two sons and so glad I did! Most women thought it was uncool! Loved reading other things about you that were unknown! To me!
i have difficulty sharing about myself! One of my insecurities perhaps! I will think about making the list,.. Never done this. Would like for you to read it privately & then we can \’talk!\’
Let me know about this approach,..
Sheri, I\’ll be happy to read over it if you like. It\’d be nice to also get to know you better. Just let me know when. You can message it to me through FB or send it to my email at skimhenson@earthlink.net.
About halfway through 12 hours of labor with our son, I was thinking it was pretty uncool myself. Happy I hung in there.
What a wonderful list! Thank you for giving us a peak into what makes you uniquely you.
Thanks for reading and commenting, Susan. If you have a link to your list, I\’d love for you to post it here. Some of my readers know you, and I\’m sure they\’d enjoy what you wrote.
Or just post the list itself. Either one.
I love your list! I giggled when I read the Jell-O and child birth. I hated the fact the told us not to eat beforehand. It made for a long birth and I was a hungry momma! Wish I would have thought of that!!
I have a thing for shoes too, but not nearly as many as you have. We downsized (a LOT) and I had to get rid of some. It was tough. I joke with my friends about finding new and creative ways to store my shoes in my current space limitations.
While I have not blogged recently I am going to start (today hopefully) and I do believe this sort of post will be my first. Thank you for sharing.
Sarah, wish you had known about the Jell-O also. We need our strength! Don\’t they realized that?
I admire you for letting go of your shoes. We downsized from 4,000 to 1,000 square feet, but I still managed to keep most of mine. I think John worried that if we needed the space, I might get rid of him before them. : )
Sure hope you\’ll write a list. I\’d be honored to share it here. Thank you for visiting.
Ok I did it! Check it out below. Yes it took a while but I did it!
Sarah, so happy you took the challenge. I know what you mean about it taking longer than you think. I was going to do the same … whip out my list in no time. Didn\’t happen, but it was fun when I finally did it.
My favorites …
#10 Lost watching the water, I can sure relate
#12 Love that Sunshine is your middle name … I thought maybe that was a marketing strategy, happy to know the name\’s been with you all along
#21 The car that won\’t die, especially after its mud bath : )
Oh, and love that your husband helps around the house. Good for him and you! Loved reading all about you. Happy to know you better!
Left this comment on your blog also. Thanks so much for posting a link to your list here!
From Facebook …
Joel Carter, Ashley Bruno and 8 others like this.
Diane Wilson Dale said Oh, I love that….haven\’t seen the movie Dreamer. How did I miss that? Love that we like a lot of the same things…you\’re much more athletic than I am, but that\’s ok. You love cupcakes!!! You deserve all the best this life has to offer!!!! (And that\’s true because I used lots of !!!!)
Thursday at 3:31pm · Unlike · 2
Anjana C. Duff said Loved your list, but it showed me how dull and boring I am. 😉
Thursday at 4:28pm · Unlike · 1
Diane Wilson Dale said I agree Anjana C. Duff…I really need to \”up my game\”!
Thursday at 4:44pm · Unlike · 2
Mary Anne Benedetto said Loved reading your list! It\’s honest, sincere and enlightening. I\’ll have to give it a try when I have some quiet time. Don\’t know when that\’s going to happen, however. The days breeze by as quickly as these crazy thunderstorms we\’ve been having. Here and gone in a flash…
Thursday at 4:59pm · Unlike · 1
Sally J. Taylor said I love the list too. I could copy alot of them to do my own list. I may even give it a try. But I don\’t think I will post it.
Thursday at 5:38pm · Unlike · 1
Sally J. Taylor said I really like how positive you are.
Thursday at 5:38pm · Unlike · 1
Jean Dalton said ♥ ♥ ♥
Thursday at 6:19pm · Unlike · 1
Susan Forsythe said I read your list and left a brief comment.
Thursday at 6:48pm · Unlike · 1
Kim Henson said Diane and Anjana, I don\’t have boring friends so there\’s no way either of you needs game-upping (yes, that\’s a word). We just need to write down all the stuff we talk about at lunch, and let me write your lists. Hehehehe. Okay, fine, and you can read them before I post. ; ) Diane, hope you\’ll watch Dreamer. It\’s heart-warming through and through, and ends happily-ever-after. Just like I like \’em.
Thursday at 6:57pm · Like
Kim Henson said Mary Anne, I hope you find time soon. I\’d enjoy getting to know you better and a list is a great place to start. Pouring rain here. I\’m as happy as a duck!
Thursday at 7:00pm · Like
Kim Henson said Sally J. Taylor, you can\’t write a list and not share it with me, can you? What\’s the point? Oh yeah, to know yourself better. I did say that. But I meant to add so I\’ll know you better also. I\’d love you to post it, but if you really, really don\’t want to, please, please, please share it with me.
Thursday at 7:03pm · Like
Ashley Bruno said Wow this is amazing! I love the one about the Jello before having Kelly, and I had no idea she got her shoe obsession from you 🙂
Thursday at 7:04pm · Unlike · 1
Kim Henson said Yeah, Ashley, I tried to pass on my best qualities to the kids. Actually, Rusty has a bit of a shoe obsession too, but nothing like Kelly and me. Surprised she doesn\’t like Jell-O more. ; ) I\’d love to read your list … nudge, nudge.
Thursday at 7:21pm · Like · 1
Kim Henson said Thanks, Susan Forsythe. Going to check it out. I remember reading yours when Jocelyn first sent the message. You were a lot more timely than me.
Thursday at 7:26pm · Like
Ashley Bruno said I might just have to now!
Thursday at 8:19pm via mobile · Unlike · 1
Kim Henson said I hope so, Ashley. It\’s kind of weird because it was hard to start, but a little over halfway through and I could have written 50 things. Talk about getting on a roll …
Thursday at 8:30pm · Like
I\’ll probably procrastinate on the 25 things list…plus it takes a lot of courage…however, I had to tell you I, too, get sleepy at the sound of the vacuum cleaner!
We have so much in common, Linda. I\’ll invite you over next time John vacuums. 🙂
I hope you\’ll write your list. I\’d love to read it. And it\’ll give me ideas for my next, which I\’ve already started since this one was more fun than I thought. It\’d be a great post for your Zumba blog. Your students would love to get to know you even more, I\’m sure.
Of course, I\’m no one to be pushy … the challenge to write this came months ago. It took me forever to sit down and do it. Once I did, I wrote it in one night. It just seemed difficult to make myself sit still and think of 25 things to share. Well, until I got started, then it was easy and enlightening.
As always, I love when you stop by!
Completely love this, Kim. Can\’t wait to see you on Monday!
Thanks so much, Jana. I hope you\’ll write a list and share the link here. I\’d love to read it. See you Monday! <3
<3 is supposed to turn into a heart … guess not on this blog. Luv u!
Completely love this, Kim. Can’t wait to see you on Monday!
My daughter sent her list of 25 things. I absolutely love them and you, Kelly. : )
1. I married my best friend. He doesn\’t know it, but he saved my life and
brightens up everyday.
2.I feel closer to God when I am in nature, hiking, kayaking, or just
walking on the beach. And my dogs feel the same way with big smiles on
their faces.
3.Smells take me back in time like the smell of my Diddy\’s freshly
pressed super soft t-shirt that hung down to my knees, I felt so safe
and happy in those shirts.
4. I got rid of a pair of Roxy shorts last year that I had bought in
middle school with all the money I had. I could still wear them 🙂 for
yard work. They were a little ragged. And I am wearing my high school
graduation dress.
5.I love the breeze off the ocean, the smell, the taste of salt when I
lick my lips, and the feel of sunburn after a long day at the beach.
6.I am part mermaid. I love showers, baths, pools (the smell of
chlorine), lakes, oceans. To swim, sit, stand in water. My dogs both love
the water, but Tanner likes to just stand in the water on the edge or
float on a float with me. Like mother, like son.
7.I love the movie Forrest Gump, I relate to Jenny. She was so lost, but
she found her way home and I just bawl during the scene when Forrest is
talking to her grave. (Tanner should have been named Forrest)
8.My husband has the best imagination, whether it be games or places to
go. My life would be boring without him.
9.I cry EVERY TIME I hear \”Almost Home\” by Craig Morgan, \”House that
Built Me\” (under that live oak my favorite dog is buried in the yard)
Miranda Lambert, \”In my Daughters Eyes\” Martina McBride, and \”Taps\”. I
miss you, Ladybug.
10. I wanted my mom as my maid of honor at my wedding, though she wasn\’t.
She is my second best friend.
11.Fruity Pebbles remind me of one summer in Bat Cave sitting on the
screen porch overhanging the creek.
12.I am scared to death of bees, but I will pick up just about any
snake, turtle, frog, or lizard, thanks to my biologist dad. I love the
time we went snake wrangling on the old railroad tracks.
13.Sunflowers, where do I begin. My grandmother thought I loved them
when I was young and bought me everything sunflower, I hated that and
them for a while. Ironically they were what I used for my wedding and it
was perfect. Isn\’t God funny?
14.I love sleepy days in bed with both my puppies cuddled up against me.
No, they are not supposed to be on the bed.
15.Laughing is good for the soul, so my Mom and I decided we would fake
laugh until we were really laughing. It worked, and I don\’t know about
my soul, but my abs were sore that night.
16. Cool summer nights with the windows down, or in a Jeep and heat on
the feet. Gives me goose bumps.
17. I love Yoga. I have never been so in tune with my body. Good or bad,
your body does not lie.
18. I had a couple of perms when I was younger and to this day I blame
them for my curly hair. Happily now.
19.Gardening makes me feel like a kid. I love to garden because it gave
me a chance to spend time with my dad.
20.I have to know how a movie ends whether scary, boring, sad. I will torture
myself, but I have to know.
21. I do not like to take medicine and never have. Sorry, Mom.
22. The number 2 is my favorite number or maybe it is 22 because what is
better than one 2? Two 2\’s (using the Count Dracula voice, of course).
23. I actually like repetitive numbers. I take it as a sign that
something good will happen and I kiss my phone anytime I see 11:11,
1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, or 5:55 and then wish for something.
24. My absolute favorite time of day is early early morning before
sunrise. I like to watch the sun come up. And I feel like I
accomplished something by getting up so early.
25. I love food. Some of my favorites; avocado, bacon, cilantro, citrus
(smell, taste), cheese, pasta, and pork.
I hope more readers will step up (well, really sit down) and write their lists. If you do, we want to read it!