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“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” Mary Oliver, American poet

During his nightly American Campfire Revival, Kirk Cameron’s encouraged each of us to have a plan. His 100-day plan started as a way to spread the word from The American Covenant: The Untold Story, a book about getting back to our history that is His (God’s) story.

Kirk’s idea originated from the practice that every new president comes up with a plan for his first 100 days in office. However, like Kirk said, we don’t need to depend on anyone else’s plan. We should want to come up with our own, one that we write with God.  

And it does need to be written down. 

Michael Korda, author and former editor-in-chief of Simon & Schuster, said, “Write it down. Written goals have a way of transforming wishes into wants; cant’s into cans; dreams into plans; and plans into reality. Don’t just think it – ink it.”

But first, I have to figure out what God wants me to do. I’m writing today’s blog post because I want more of a plan than I have right now. I thought if I admitted it, I might do something about it. Also I’m writing to say I’m grateful for Kirk’s nightly Facebook Lives because I have more of a plan than I had in January. 

About a month into listening every evening to the American Campfire Revival, I committed to blogging for 100 days. I don’t have a clear plan except to keep writing. I’m thinking now that I need to pray a lot more about my direction and put into writing the steps I will take to get there. 

I’m afraid to say I’ll post my plan here because I’m not sure I’ll follow through on writing it down much less doing it. I’ve been slack for a decade about making a promise to God and myself, then dismissing it – the sin (missing the mark) of omission that I didn’t recognize as sin at all. 

The statement below from Kirk appeared on the site Christianity Daily in the article “Kirk Cameron’s Ongoing 100-Day ‘American Campfire Revival’ Attracts Strong Crowd In Praying For Country” by Ruth Aguantia. 

“If God is the ruler of this world, then your commission – it really is a co-mission –you are working together with God to heavenize the earth and build godly nations through sharing the message of the Gospel and discipleship.” 

In a month and a half, my 100 days of blogging will be up. A couple of friends asked if I plan to keep posting daily or what. I’m thankful they inquired because their question prompted me to think about my co-mission. 

For a moment, I was tempted to use being too old as my excuse and call myself retired. The next Sunday, I heard this in a sermon, “Retirement’s not in the Bible.”

I’ve rambled enough about needing a plan. Maybe soon I’ll blog about what it is. Does anyone else need a plan or want to share the one they have to offer some hope and ideas? 

In This Together,

I have something for you!


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