by skimhenson | Jan 20, 2017 | about me, awareness and action, life improvement, relationships, family stories, self-care
“Sometimes the person who’s been there for everyone else needs to be there for herself.” S. Kim Henson I’m funniest in the shower, like this morning. I asked myself a slightly revised question from the movie Sabrina, and in the same tone William Holden asked it of...
by skimhenson | Jun 9, 2012 | hope, marriage, miracles happening, relationships, relationships, family stories
My husband John and I were attracted to each other kind of like moths to fire. He liked that I was quiet, and that my family sat in silence around the kitchen table, listening to each other’s forks scrape the plates. I liked that he was loud, and that his family was...
by skimhenson | Dec 8, 2011 | gratitude, holidays, relationships, family stories
I stook over a bed strewn with ribbon, tape and wrapping paper when I felt overcome with gratitude for knowing how to wrap gifts. Dad used to stand for hours during Christmastime over the bed in an extra room upstairs. He’d meticulously wrap every gift, adding...
by skimhenson | Sep 26, 2011 | letting go, relationships, family stories
My husband John and I ran to the overhang, holding the same umbrella. Both of us wet from our knees down when we got inside, I pulled off my shoes and sat cross-legged on the overstuffed corduroy sofa. Our son Rusty met us there and asked if his sister was coming. We...
by skimhenson | Nov 2, 2010 | patriotism, relationships, family stories
When I stepped into the voting booth this morning, it occurred to me I had no idea whether my parents were Republicans or Democrats. Strange, huh? I typically vote straight ticket and today was no exception. However, if Dad and Mom had been in line, they could have...
by skimhenson | Sep 30, 2010 | funny ones, relationships, family stories
Google announced today the celebration of the 50th anniversary of The Flintstones. Earlier in the week, I posted EL’s famous family sayings. EL is my father-in-law. He’s also known as Everett Laverne, Ever Lovin’, Slim, Dad, Pop Pop and, most...