Blogging my manuscript seemed the only way I’d finally edit it and turn it into a publishable piece of writing. So far, it’s in pieces parts, some complete, some barely begun. I have hundreds of pieces of paper with notes on them, ten or more full notebooks, dozens of half-written stories, and three completed chapters that I’m glad I never posted because they’re so dramatic.
My first idea for a book came to me 20 years ago. I intended for it to be a parenting book about raising teens. It ended up an inspirational book titled Wow, What A Ride!: Learning From Our Kids as They Grow Into Young Adults. From the subtitle, you can tell it was about my lessons, not theirs. This one’s the only manuscript I completed. I received numerous rejections and should have. It was bad.
Next, there was Getting Your Own Life While Loving the People in It … except I didn’t have my own life.
Where Do You Go To Cry? was about hiding our emotions, why we do it, and why we shouldn’t.
Similarly, For Crying Out Loud: Get Out of the Closet and On with Life was about feeling our feelings, dealing with our emotions, and healing … except I didn’t heal much from doing what I wrote about.
I went almost full circle back around to the idea about getting our own lives and wrote about finding and living our purpose … except I didn’t have much experience or much to say since I wasn’t sure about my own purpose.
Finally, while reading a book about God’s grace, it dawned on me that trying hard was the only topic in which I could call myself an expert and write about easily without feeling like a failure. I’d done it well even though it landed me on my knees.
On The Other Side of Trying Hard: Healing, Happiness, and Holiness is my working title. I’ll be posting most Mondays through Thursdays until the manuscript is complete. The blog posts may not flow like chapters, but I’ll organize it along the way. I’m hopeful the information will help someone anyway. I know it’ll help me to get it on paper.
I’d love to hear your suggestions, questions, and ideas – any kind of constructive comments when you feel like giving them. I’m excited to begin.
In This Together,
Yay! So good to have you back. I was so excited to see this pop up as I’ve missed you . I’ve missed you everyday. ♥️
Thank you for sharing and caring !
Awe, there you are! I missed you so much. Thanks for showing up again. Like I said, you don’t have to, but I love that you do.
I hope this time around makes sense. This is the overwhelming project I’ve never quite gotten organized or under control. We’ll see how it goes together.
I love you! ❤️
So happy you are back!! Can’t wait for the ride!! So excited. No expectations, just let it flow and it will be great!!👏👏🥰😘😍
I so appreciate your encouragement, Lyn.
I’m excited and nervous at the same time since this is the project I’ve avoided for too long. It’s felt overwhelming, but I’m grateful to be taking it one blog post at a time.
I love that I have wonderful friends to come alongside me! Thank you. xoxo ❤️
I’m so happy to be part of this! I truly am excited to be part of your growing writing and learning ! If that makes sense lol I too have no expectations . I want to learn and grow with you. I’m asking God for my purpose during this chapter of my life.
Awe, Betty, you’re signed up and here. I’m happy you figured it out.
I love having you along for the ride, and, yes, what you wrote makes perfect sense. I have no idea what to expect (even from myself) since my last book was BAD (it’s the truth) and I can ramble myself silly. lol 😂
The best part is knowing that y’all will love me anyway. And I’ll get lots of practice no matter how this turns out. I’m more excited than nervous, so that’s a good thing.
Thanks so much for your friendship and encouragement. xoxox ❤️