by skimhenson | Sep 9, 2016 | following our dreams, getting your own life, living fully
Today’s writing is more a blog list than a post. With every click, another piece of inspiration showed up that I wanted to share. I couldn’t narrow “our calling” down to a story, so I decided to include it all – quotes, links, and insights,...
by skimhenson | Oct 22, 2014 | faith, fear, living fully
Lis and her husband relocated two weeks ago to Tanzania, Africa. She asked for prayer to lighten her sadness about leaving behind belongings, friends, and family including her three-year-old granddaughter who calls her Lolly. She asked for prayer to calm anxieties...
by skimhenson | Jun 10, 2013 | fear, living fully, self-destruction
Seeing Max on today’s Google screen reminded me of how I make up monsters, just like in author Maurice Sendak’s Where the Wild Things Are. And my monsters do the same sort of thing as in the book, “And the wild things roared their terrible roars and gnashed their...
by skimhenson | May 31, 2012 | denial, living fully
Warning. Denial ahead. Our daughter licks cookie dough from the beaters and eats cake icing by the spoonful. She spreads Nutella on her waffle for breakfast unless she is eating icing-drenched cinnamon rolls from McDonalds. When we went to dinner recently, she ordered...