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Blogged Down

“I noticed you haven’t been blogging. Any reason?” emailed a writer friend a couple of weeks ago. I had not posted on my blog in April, not one single time. Yep, there was a reason. I contracted a terrible case of blog envy. I’m not sure when it began, but in...

Think an Attitude, life is the way we think it

Funny thing is, when I posted the quote on Facebook, I typed, “Attitude is a little think that makes a big difference.” I’m not suggesting we alter Sir Churchill’s words, but how big a blunder is this, really? Our attitude typically is determined by our feelings, and...

MacCool (Mac users vs. PC users)

What can I say? I own a Mac. I know, I know. I already spread the news. However, I felt compelled to share one more time since our son sent an article including traits of a Mac user. Based on research, it’s actually been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt (or at...

Blind by Blind

When we downsized to a 1,000-square-foot beach cottage, I never guessed cleaning plantation blinds would be a big job. Since the house came with 18 windows, the blinds turned out to be one of my biggest projects at least twice a year. I couldn’t decide the easiest...

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