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"Don't give me no coffee, no coffee, don't give me no tea, no tea." Steven James involving the audience at Blue Ridge Mountain Christian Writers Conference

“Don’t give me no coffee, no coffee, don’t give me no tea, no tea.”
Steven James involving the audience at Blue Ridge Mountain Christian Writers Conference

Once upon a time I thought writing was about writing, not relationships. After I was published, I kept thinking the same, which was pretty easy since I wrote for a paper in a town five hours away. That was, until I started blogging.

I reflected on the story my friend told about her mom refusing to undress in front of the television.

“People inside the screen are watching,” she said.

She was right, there are people watching. Only thing is, my people are inside my laptop screen.

Like it or not, that’s the rite of passage into the writer’s world. People are reading what we write. In turn, we read their stories.

The truth is, writing makes us very much a part of relationships.

Like my writer friend who wrote about wrapping her arms around her daughter when she lost her baby girl.

An author who posted about fear and received dozens of encouraging comments.

A Facebook friend who posted, “Sometimes it’s been better to be me than to know me.”

I’ve commented on their articles and books and memoirs and interviews. In turn, I’ve written posts and articles and they’ve also commented.

I’m finding out that instead of wanting to be left alone with it, my writing rights the wrongs of isolation.

Writing heals because we reveal our secrets – we share the sad, shameful, embarrassing, silly facts of our lives while someone witnesses them.

Writing builds us up because we’re enlightened and encouraged and we “retweet” it.

Writing also rights our relationships because we read and write accounts of each other’s lives and end up assured we’re not alone.

It turns out to be a good thing. to have someone watch us write.

Don’t you think?

WRite wHere I’m supposed to be – In the good company of writing and reading, we often come to know ourselves and others more genuinely. Maybe that’s why God shared his story through a book.

On the side: Thanks to the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference Facebook page for the photo.

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