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"Never talk religion or politics." Unknown

“Never talk religion or politics.” Unknown (Photo from iStock)

When I stepped into the voting booth this morning, it occurred to me I had no idea whether my parents were Republicans or Democrats.

Strange, huh?

I typically vote straight ticket and today was no exception. However, if Dad and Mom had been in line, they could have just as easily canceled out my efforts as supporting them. I would never know.

How did I live for most of my life in the same household or only miles apart, talk politics during family gatherings, and  yet, I can’t make an educated guess at their political preference?

The explanation likely lies in my dad’s 20-plus years of military service.

In our home, degrading the country’s leaders was unacceptable. Not that Dad didn’t believe in freedom of speech; he did. He simply believed we did our talking at the polls by voting. The results he left to God.

The joke I made to my husband, “I’ve voted, so now I can complain,” was just that, a joke.

What’s your stand on political talk?

WRite wHere I’m supposed to be – Dear God, remind me when I’m tempted to grumble and criticize that positive results come from positive action. Prayer, entrusting our country to your care, and quiet acceptance are dignified choices.

I have something for you!


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