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"Unless you learn to act differently, do things differently and embrace change, you will stay where you are." Unknown

“Unless you learn to act differently, do things differently and embrace change, you will stay where you are.” Unknown (Artwork by Kelly Rae Roberts)

My husband and I are moving toward resolutions for 2011 we never would have thought to make without the help of a broken waterline.

Our home in Upstate South Carolina, the one we have for sale, ended up with puddles of water on the newly redone hardwood floors, as well as a soggy ceiling because the upstairs bathroom sprung a leak. We got the news from our realtor two days after Christmas.

On New Year’s Eve, we met with a contractor so he could give us an estimate to do the same kind of work we do for living. 

In the meantime, my husband called ahead and made reservations at our favorite hotel even though we could have camped out in the mess at the house. It’s not like us to pay for a room just so we can enjoy a hot shower, a good night’s sleep, and a continental breakfast before tackling the renovation or the decision to turn it over to someone else. We went with the latter because it made more sense than driving back and forth on weekends to complete the construction. Again, it’s out of character for us to hire out work.

We began our new year differently by keeping life simple and putting aside “We can do it ourselves.”

As a result, instead of tearing out sheetrock and hauling off wet debris, we spent the evening at our daughter’s eating homemade lasagna, drinking Chai tea lattes with her and her fiancé, and ringing in the new year with a game of Cranium.

Do you have things that need to be done differently in 2011? Are you willing to change?

WRite wHere I’m supposed to be – Simplifying life and asking for help were not my original resolutions. I had in mind something like reading more fiction books and adding to my exercise routine. However, 2010 turned out better than expected when I paid attention to signs, wonders and God’s nudges (and leaks and puddles), so I’m starting 2011 doing the same.

On the side: Click here and enjoy more artwork by Kelly Rae Roberts.

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