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“You can’t be envious and happy at the same time.” Frank Tyger

For years I’ve practiced celebrating with family, friends and even strangers over their good fortune. Being delighted for others has proven one of life’s gifts.
I’ve done it for so long, it’s second nature. Or so I thought, until my tedious day turned out to be the same 24 hours that …
I received a friend’s enthusiastic call about an inheritance.
I received a friend’s excited Facebook message about a book contract.
I heard about a friend’s enviable publicity break.
All well-deserved opportunities, but I have to tell you, I wasn’t feeling the love.
I nearly fooled myself about my excitement until I noticed I was topping the sentiments with chocolate. I grappled over acceptance and gratitude. When all else failed, I let go with plenty of whining, frustration, and the worst, envy.
Looking to end a good-sized pity party, I thought to invite my readers.
Ever have a bout of envy? What healthy suggestions do you have for getting over it?
WRite wHere I’m supposed to be – Soulful confession clears a path back to the truth. And it is true, good stuff in our lives happens when we are happy for good stuff in other’s lives. In fact, that is good stuff enuff.
On the side: Thanks for a listening ear.

I have something for you!


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