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“Every spoken word arouses our self-will.”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Which words could fall off the pages of every publication ever written and I’d never miss them?

Are you already making a mental list?

The articles mentioned here got me thinking. Links are at the bottom of this post.

USA Today’s lengthy title “List of banned words for 2012 includes ‘man cave,’ ‘baby bump,’ ‘occupy'” incorporates words deemed overused and unlikable by Lake Superior State University.

The school released its 37th annual List of Words Banished, then used a couple of them to describe their accomplishment, “an amazing list that is bound to generate some blowback.”

Italicized are the words they would prefer to never read again. In fact, amazing took first place.

Here’s the list I came up with off the top of my head –

deal breaker
I heart you.
Got milk? (or any other noun)

I admit I’ve been tempted to include at least one of these in blog posts. Like “Got Recipes?” when I was blogging about baking during the Christmas holidays. And “Got Editor?” when writing assignments got scarce.

I caught myself just last week saying deal breaker in a conversation with our son. It sounded hip. I’m sure he thought so too.

My husband’s list includes the word random. This is good for a laugh since I asked what he thought about the photo I used for this post. He liked it.

How random is that?

It’s your turn. What’s your word peeve?

WRite wHere I’m supposed to beWords are packed with emotion. People are packed with emotion. Something to think about when we’re writing.

Lake Superior State University 2012 banished words list

USA Today’s banned word list

I have something for you!


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