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That evening quail came and covered the camp, and in the morning there was a layer of dew around the camp. Exodus 16:13 NIV

In part 2, I wrote about visiting the church across the street because they reopened their doors before my church did. I got so swept up in their worship and the ways I changed just by attending there, I ended up joining. I heard the message that made all the difference – if I wanted to change and heal, don’t focus on changing and healing. 

If I wanted to change and heal, focus on Jesus, so I did.

It felt good to pick up leftover bulletins after church, participate from the back row of a couple of book studies, and help people who I didn’t know with special events. 

I finally had a good bit of peace since that first Sunday I attended when I showed up in a lot of pain. I was content to sit still and hope it lasted. I was happy to leave well enough alone, but God wants to bless us more than we can imagine. 

The more blessings that came, I have to tell you, the more overwhelmed I felt. 

What’s this? Seriously, God, what is this? 

The spirited sermons and watching people serve others and friendships and weekly activities and the powerful prayers and answered prayers – it’s been a lot. I’ve never known 50 people’s names at any church no matter how long I’ve attended. I’ve never laughed so hard or cried as much any place else. I’ve never seen children’s programs like ours. And did I mention that I heard CAIN in concert, not in some huge venue with big crowds, but across the street. We talked and laughed and hugged. 

My husband John and I attended our first Couples Connecting with Christ event last week. Thirty of us from the church met at a seafood restaurant. One of the couples, of their own accord, created oyster outfits and greeted everyone in the parking lot so we’d feel welcome. 

All I could think was, how’d the Israelites handle all that quail in the desert without crying grateful tears? ‘Cause their quail and our church’s oysters were all about the overflow of Jesus’ love and goodness and gifts He has for us. 

We’re so used to the slavery of Egypt that His good stuff overwhelms us. His blessings are stockpiled and waiting for our yeses. He wants more for us than we have ever wanted for ourselves. Let’s remind each other of that here. I hope you’ll share your pearls (I couldn’t help myself) of wisdom. 

In This Together,

I have something for you!


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