“Don’t let the fear of what could happen make nothing happen.” Unknown
On day 87 in “We Don’t Know Easy,” I talked about a friend who shared her story at our women’s breakfast at church. She offered up a lot of one-liners to live a better life.
One in particular was when she said she didn’t want to get to the end of her life and say, “I could have totally killed Goliath, but I let fear stop me.”
Me either, Bruna.
It’s like Friedrich Nietzsche said, “That which does not kill us makes us stronger.”
David in the Bible killed a lion and a bear before he ever took on Goliath. His courage built each time he overcame a “giant” until the time finally came that he was made for. He overcame the giant God sent him here to slay – to save all of Israel.
We’re all made for something. God put us here for a purpose. And He walks us through our fears to enable us to live that purpose. He tells us 365 times in the Bible not to fear, a reminder a day for the entire year.
So, let’s “totally kill Goliath” that means living our purpose.
What fear is stopping you and about to cause regrets? God is way bigger than any “Goliath” that’s in your way.
Fear Is a Liar by Zach Williams
In This Together,
Thank you Kim! Right on time.
I love ❤️
Connie, I love you! 😍