“Wanna share your covered wagon, Jessica?” said all the readers who are staring at you while you eat it.
Covered wagons aren’t just out west, folks.
Like everything that ends up in the south, we like to deep fry it like chicken or put sugar in it like sweet tea.
If it’s dipped in chocolate, that’s even better.
Southern cooks can bake a little piece of heaven without ever using measuring spoons, a measuring cup, or a cookbook.
A friend used her iPhone to take a photo of her daughter-in-law eating one of these Deep South concoctions, a dessert from McFarlan’s Bake Shop on Main Street in Hendersonville, N.C. We stumbled onto our common interest while talking about the mountains of North Carolina and family vacations.
We talked desserts while I was straining to exercise on the elliptical machine at the local gym, and my friend was torturing her arms.
We passed her phone around, the one with this picture on it, while I described a Covered Wagon. Crystallized chocolate icing like my grandmother’s, poured over devil’s food cake and topped with whipped cream that tastes like marshmallows.
The other women at the gym oooohed and aaaahed.
When I showed my husband this picture, he said, “Their cinnamon rolls are the best.”
My mouth watered for a Covered Wagon and a half dozen of McFarlan’s butter cookies topped with sprinkles.
All this joy over made-from-scratch goodies from a family-owned bakery.
Most times when I read about God assigning us talents and telling us to use them, I picture paintings like ones by our friend Rob Crombie, a song sung by Martina McBride like “In My Daughter’s Eyes,” and playing an instrument, maybe the sax like Kenny G.
I want to be talented like them.
Closer to home, I reflect on my husband’s carpentry, my son’s sketches, and my daughter’s photography.
I want to be talented like them.
What talent (that you don’t think you have) is waiting for you to share it with the world?
WRite wHere I’m supposed to be – That afternoon at the gym, I caught a glimpse of all the “recipes” there are for talent. McFarlan’s ranks right up there with Rob, Martina and Kenny, and I’m right there with my family. Won’t you join us?
On the side: Photo compliments of Jessica Seaborn Diez, Tami Seaborn and Susan Diez. Thanks, gals.