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“Life’s better when it’s fun. Boy, that’s deep, isn’t it?”
Kevin Costner (Photo from iStock)

After a life of digging deep for answers and trying to figure everything out, I’m learning to lighten up a bit and take more breaks.

I’m picturing myself going with the flow, and floating on top of the water instead of diving in head first (sometimes into an empty pool).

Maybe even turning life over to God and watching what he does, compared to all my forcing solutions.

In fact, I’ve been mostly living this way since January, except that one bout of self-will when I tried to make a job opening as a fitness instructor come available. The place I was hired was hands-down better than the gym I was pushing for.

I have plenty of examples that a closed door isn’t typically a sign to try and break it down or pick the lock, but a sign to look for an open one.

In other words, getting shallow isn’t such a bad plan.

Here’s the main idea, in others’ words.

Figure it out is not a slogan. 

Wear life as a loose garment. 

Do what I’m supposed to and leave the outcome to God. 

When it’s my will, I have to maintain it. When it is God’s will, he maintains it. 

WRite wHere I’m supposed to be – Scuba diving through life keeps me on the bottom and wondering when I can come up for air. I also worry more about drowning in the depth of it all. It’s fine for an afternoon, but, for me, the best of life is lived floating in shallower waters.

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