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Eat That Frog! part 2 (leaping into action)

What better way to celebrate leap day than a story about eating frogs? Plus, chomping down on our greens first thing makes it okay to eat lots of desserts. Okay, I just made up that part because I will work for sugar. The original Eat That Frog! post explains the...

Faith, Hope and Love

At our mountain house, we have three words (well, four if you count “and”) spray-painted on an old screen window. It hangs as decoration over our living room couch. When we pull into the driveway at night, even before lights are turned on, the screen is the first...

Just In Case, a backup plan in case God fails

I was born a Girl Scout. It’s been second nature to live by the organization’s motto “Be prepared.” I have a Plan B and C and D, as well as an emergency plan. I’ve made responsible decisions as far back as I can remember. That’s why I ignored...

Annoying Words and Phrases

Readers shared words and phrases they disliked, were tired of hearing, and downright hated. Here’s the list. Words: awesome, hub, hubby, literally *, moist, pedagogy, plethora, preggers, preggo, random, stuff, uh **, whatever * when used incorrectly ** the...

My Word for 2012 – Incremental

“It would be easier to hear this stuff in increments. You know, along and along,” said our son during a recent phone conversation. “I’ve never in my life done anything incrementally.” That was his point, and I knew I needed to start. Practice … To get acquainted...

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