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"Self-acceptance is my refusal to be in an adversarial relationship to myself." Nathaniel Brand, Artwork used by permission from Cindy DeLuz

“Self-acceptance is my refusal to be in an adversarial relationship to myself.”
Nathaniel Brand (Artwork by Cindy DeLuz)

“I took off all my clothes and stood in front of a full-length mirror. I told myself, ‘You’re going to stand here until you love what you see.’ It took time, but I did it. I walked away with some self-acceptance.

This quote is from an overweight friend who was at her wit’s end.

I thought of her just after I stubbed my toe in a frenzy to make our bed. My husband was on his way home for lunch. Instead of working that morning, I played on Facebook.

My little secret. Even though his iPhone notifies him each time I post, and hundreds of friends view my activity. Not to mention, there is a committee in my head that keeps up day-to-day.

“On Facebook again? Really? It’s all the time, isn’t it?

“Nothing unusual, of course. You promise yourself everyday to set limits, but you don’t.”

“No self control whatsoever.”

“What a marvelous day.”

Huh? Where’d that come from?

I’m not certain what brought my friend’s story to mind, or why my thoughts changed for the better. Maybe the pain in my foot brought to focus how much pain I inflict on myself emotionally. Maybe it was like a good talking-to.

A wake-up call, of sorts. 

WRite wHere I’m supposed to be – I’d stub my toe daily for a bit of loving reflection and self-acceptance.  How about you?

On the side: My friend and I believe her time in front of the mirror contributes to her ongoing weight loss.

Visit Cindy DeLuz’s website for more great art.

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