“Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.” Dalai Lama (Photo of my friendly newsfeed, may it stay that way)
First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. 1 Timothy 2:1-2 ESV
Because of the upcoming election, I hold my breath and hope my friendly Facebook newsfeed isn’t bombarded with political hate posters.
Hope friends really do stay friendly.
Hope we regard each person who runs for office like we would a family member, friend and neighbor. After all, they are just that to someone.
With all that hope for harmony, imagine my surprise when a couple of months ago a friend tagged my name to thank me for sharing a poster bashing our government, Uncle Sam and more. You may have seen it circulating. It pictures Dr. Seuss’ Cat in the Hat, although I’m sure he was set up. He would never …
I untagged myself, left a comment on my friend’s wall that the poster was not from me, and posted a statement on my Facebook page saying the same thing. At that point, I had to let it go even though I didn’t want to.
Instead of keeping on, I stopped to think about my reaction. I knew where it originated.
My dad retired from the Air Force after 22 years, which makes me a proud military brat. I stood on base soil beside him while he saluted the flag when the trumpeter played Taps. I proudly shopped in the commissary with him when he was dressed in uniform. I sobbed quietly when the officiant folded the flag that was draped over Dad’s casket.
Even though Dad is gone, I want his example and devotion to live on.
The pride I feel for Dad’s service to our country is something I’ve never quite been able to put into words. It set the stage for probably more than I realize, but definitely for my political views. Funny thing is, I have no idea if Dad voted republican or democrat.
One thing I am sure of, he was patriotic. He expressed his political opinions at the voting poll.
I like it that way because, really, where else does it matter?
What’s your take on political talk?
WRite wHere I’m supposed to be – Dear God, we’re approaching another big election in less than two months. Remind us to put patriotism above politics, and You above it all.
Kim, you always phrase your blogs so perfectly and this one is no exception. I find myself wondering what has happened to our country. There is so much anger and confusion on both sides. In this election, I find myself muting all of the TV ads because I am so disappointed in both parties. I was raised that even if your candidate doesn\’t win, you still respect the person who is elected because he is your president. Your reminder to put patriotism above politics and God above it all is good advice for all Americans.
I was taught the same, Agnes, and continue to be grateful for the example set by my dad. I recently heard a friend say that when politicians run for office, they\’re fair game for whatever criticism is dished out. We sure can justify any behavior, can\’t we?
Thanks for your kind comments and encouragement always.
Thank you Kim for reminding us of what is importan
Thank you, Tami. I sure appreciate your support.
Proud to be an American! Thank you for your reminder to be patriotic and to keep God at the helm.
I feel the same way, Peggy. Although I believe it\’s a good idea to be informed about politics, I choose proud and patriotic over it any day.
Very well said! Nice to be reminded that we can engage in discourse without venom or throwing daggers at one another.
Thanks so much for your comment, Mike. I need the reminder myself. It crosses my mind from time to time that maybe I should speak out about something I disagree with, when really, there\’s no justification for that sort of negativity.
From Facebook –
Rick Smith, Dan Gray and Lis Morgan like this.
Lis Morgan posted I have to share this with you. I had just written a status-mainly in part because someone who doesn\’t even KNOW me, blasted me for not allowing my wall to be a bulletin board for a certain candidate. This year has been tough for me because I truly am grappling with a heavy heart about what I will do INSIDE the booth when no one but GOD is watching. I posted the status and my computer zapped and although I realize it sounds like I\’m making it up, YOUR status popped up. I KNEW then that GOD was telling me, it really doesn\’t matter what anyone else thinks about your decision. It\’s between you and me and you don\’t have to justify what you know in your heart is right. Thanks Kim Henson. God spoke to me through you. Hope and Happiness, my friend.
September 24 at 11:02am · Unlike · 3
Rick Smith posted Well said Kim. Thank you.
September 24 at 11:36am · Like · 1
Kim Henson posted Lis Morgan, thanks so much for sharing your story. I don\’t think you\’re making it up at all … I know exactly what you\’re talking about. It happens to me about once every two week…See More
September 24 at 10:40pm · Like · 1
Kim Henson posted Thanks for your comment, Rick Smith, and for helping keep FB friendly. : )
September 24 at 10:41pm · Like · 1
From Facebook –
Anjana C. Duff posted Unfortunately, whenever I\’ve seen anyone speak up (on FB) about their political views, it is never kind….so, I\’m not sure who it might be necessary for or beneficial to -only the person writing it, I guess.
September 24 at 9:02am · Unlike · 2
Christy Young, Independent Scentsy Consultant posted I don\’t see it as necessary or beneficial when there is animocity behind it. How does that help anyone?
September 24 at 9:56am · Unlike · 1
S. Kim Henson posted I\’m with y\’all, Anjana and Christy Young, Independent Scentsy Consultant. Hope your newsfeeds stay friendly as well.
September 24 at 10:13am · Edited · Like
Linda Saelg Calvanico posted You are a brave soul for even going \”there\”…but I like what you said about focusing on the fact that we are all human beings – including the politicians…somebody\’s brother, father, etc…I was recently a victim of odd tagging (for lack of a better term)…not poltical…actually ended up resulting in some comedy…(it was a girl in her underware)…creepy though…I digress…on the issue of politics and people…I was having a discussion with some friends and think I\’m going to have to vote for Chrissy Dog and our other friend\’s dog Oscar is going to be her running mate…soooo…Chrissy Dog for President!
September 25 at 11:05pm · Unlike · 1
Linda Saelg Calvanico posted I can\’t believe I just posted that…I really do try to stay away from the politics subject! lol!
September 25 at 11:05pm · Unlike · 1
Linda Saelg Calvanico posted You\’re just that special…your courage inspired me 🙂
September 25 at 11:05pm · Unlike · 1
S. Kim Henson posted Linda, I love you! I can always count on you for a laugh, no matter the topic. I\’ll do a write in for Chrissy and Oscar. I hope they win since we haven\’t had a dog as president yet…See More
Wednesday at 9:01pm · Like · 1
Oops, here\’s the rest of my comment to Linda from Facebook …
S. Kim Henson posted Linda, I love you! I can always count on you for a laugh, no matter the topic. I\’ll do a write in for Chrissy and Oscar. I hope they win since we haven\’t had a dog as president yet. I think it\’s time. Hannah (our new puppy) will vote also. That is, if she\’s old enough. : ) I usually stay away from political talk, but I figured this blog post was safe since I\’m not endorsing anyone, instead endorsing courtesy and kindness. Sorry it took me so long to respond, but I\’m taking a writing class in Greenville. Spur of the moment decision and I\’m really excited about it. We\’ll meet the next 5 Tuesdays so I get to learn from one of the best writing instructors and see my kids at the same time, and be in Greenville. Love that city! Thanks for your comments. ♥
Wednesday at 9:01pm · Like · 1
Joel Carter reposted on Facebook and said, \”Politics, Patriotism, Statesmanship or selfish negative damaging Partisanship. Lead by Example. Please read this blog by my friend Kim and if you agree pay it forward. Thank you.\”
Thanks for supporting Well-Written Days always, Joel. Here are comments on Joel\’s reposting.
Susan Forsythe posted \”selfish negative damaging Partisanship\” sums it up and that\’s one-half of the horrible equation.
September 23 at 11:51pm · Unlike · 2
Joel Carter posted Thank you Susan.
September 23 at 11:52pm via mobile · Like · 2
Linda Saelg Calvanico posted I think I\’ll do a write in for Chrissy – hehe
September 24 at 12:12am via mobile · Unlike · 1
Kim Henson posted Thanks for sharing, Joel Carter. I love my friendly newsfeed. : )
September 24 at 12:13am · Like · 1
Kim Henson posted Funny, Linda Saelg Calvanico.
September 24 at 12:13am · Like
Tim Parry posted Very good. The political activism that counts the most is what you do on voting day. All the rest mostly amounts to posturing and chest pounding – and I\’ll leave that to the professionals.
September 24 at 11:42am · Unlike · 2
Joel Carter posted I totally agree Tim
September 24 at 11:58am · Unlike · 1
Kim Henson posted Me too, Tim.
September 24 at 12:04pm · Like
Just getting caught up on past \”stuff!\” Thanks, Kim — great reminder and I feel the same way. We are sooooo quick to pass on the junk about people and seem to forget the pain that it may inflick (really not sure that word is spelled right LOL)
I have friends who think it\’s okay to be negative because the politicians should know this is going to happen. I guess there\’s some truth to knowing what they\’re getting into, but I think courtesy and kindness go a long way to making me feel better about myself no matter who the person is I\’m talking about.
I love our group of friends. I think we\’re courteous and kind.
I don\’t think that\’s spelled right either, but I can\’t help you with it. : )