by skimhenson | Jan 31, 2013 | depression
A friend called to ask the cure for my depression. She thought I was over it because I was talking openly. It’s partly true. I am on the other side of “I can’t get out of bed” and “I cry most of the day, everyday.” However, like in the article link below about artist...
by skimhenson | Jan 14, 2013 | writing words to live by
It was after midnight when I saw the post on my Facebook wall asking if I planned to sign up for Write2Ignite. The message was from someone I didn’t know asking if I planned to attend a conference I’d never heard of, one for writers of literature for children and...
by skimhenson | Jan 1, 2013 | writing words to live by
Another year, another phone conversation with our son. That’s how my word for 2012 came about; our son said it’d be helpful if I shared information incrementally instead of stockpiling. His request, as well as the word, stuck. Too bad this year didn’t reap the same...