by skimhenson | Aug 18, 2013 | guest posts, waiting
Today’s post is by freelance writer and nanny Sara Dawkins. I’m honored to share her wise words about waiting. Thank you, Sara. I’m not a waiter. I’m just not. I want to be doing something, anything. Just make a decision, Just move forward. Just go! The...
by skimhenson | Apr 17, 2013 | choices and decisions, guest posts
Today’s guest post is by friend and author Beth K. Vogt. I’m not sure when our paths crossed online, but I’m delighted they did. Since then, Beth and I have found we have much in common from falling on our faces (specifically our noses) to...
by skimhenson | Apr 12, 2013 | funny ones, guest posts
Today’s post is by author Beth Pensinger. It’s no surprise her book released on April Fools’ Day, as you’ll find when you read it. Beth’s fun and funny personality is reflected in her writing, as is her honesty, her love, and her desire...
by skimhenson | Oct 8, 2012 | guest posts, talent
I’m guest posting on the blog of writer friend Andy Lee. Andy is pursuing publication of her first book, A Mary Like Me, which explores the human hearts of three biblical women named Mary. Her blog by the same name encourages us to follow our call whether to a...