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Are You So Nice, You’re Unkind?

Are You So Nice, You’re Unkind?

“In the world where you can be anything, be kind.” Unknown My husband John and I came into our marriage with very different ways to solve a problem, and we both thought our way was the kind one. I’m honest. I say whatever comes to mind that I think might help him...

Saved By Criticism (in writing and in relationships)

“The trouble with most of us is that we would rather be ruined by praise than saved by criticism.” Norman Vincent Peale Below is a link to one of the best blog posts I’ve read about the value of criticism. I believe it applies to healthier daily living and...

Stalling (a post about honesty)

Stalling. I’ve done a lot of it lately. I put off posting on my blog because I was afraid of what you might think. Afraid I’d be misunderstood and judged. And the worst, afraid I’d be told I shouldn’t feel the way I already do. After thinking through all that, I...

Pause For a Moment of Kindness

“I would shoot for 100% honesty, then moderate it with silence” was a comment from a male reader on the post Looking for the Liars.  The definition of honesty is fairness and straightforwardness of conduct. Instead of the lie I told the pastor when he asked,...

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