by skimhenson | Mar 5, 2017 | boundaries, pain, self-care, self-destruction
“It wasn’t until I began to love myself that I was willing to let others down.” Lucille Zimmerman When my cowgirl friend told me a story about Bob, I related to her horse like we were old buddies. Bob’s trainer said, “You have to be careful pushing him because he’s a...
by skimhenson | Feb 24, 2017 | self-care, shame
“Shame is worse than death.” Unknown My uncle’s sexual abuse didn’t impact my life as much as Mom ignoring it, and there was one particular Sunday afternoon that left unshakable shame. The family was all together and playing croquet in the backyard when my uncle...
by skimhenson | Jan 20, 2017 | about me, awareness and action, life improvement, relationships, family stories, self-care
“Sometimes the person who’s been there for everyone else needs to be there for herself.” S. Kim Henson I’m funniest in the shower, like this morning. I asked myself a slightly revised question from the movie Sabrina, and in the same tone William Holden asked it of...
by skimhenson | Jan 7, 2017 | self-care, writing words to live by
“One word can change everything.” Every year since 2012, instead of making resolutions, I’ve chosen a word of the year. Unlike resolutions, I actually remember my word and I make progress because of it. So far, my words have been … 2012 – Incremental...
by skimhenson | May 12, 2016 | getting your own life, relationships, self-care
“You teach people how to treat you by what you allow, what you stop, and what you reinforce.” Tony Gaskins I had never heard the word boundaries used in reference to relationships until a counselor told me I didn’t have any. She said, “You have no idea where you end...
by skimhenson | Mar 10, 2016 | depression, fear, honesty, relationships, self-care
“I feel safer keeping a space, a gentle breeze between me and people, a buffer I like to think of as God.” S. Kim Henson When John accused me of isolating, he mixed up his words and instead said, “It concerns me how much you’re insulating yourself from others.” “I...