by skimhenson | Nov 15, 2010 | book reviews and interviews
Mike Sullivan, the author of Necessary Heartbreak published by Simon & Schuster, interviewed with us a couple of months ago and is back to share some interesting, little known facts about his life. Thanks, Mike. We love it when you join our readers. For more,...
by skimhenson | Nov 11, 2010 | patriotism
“The Iraqi women held signs thanking our heroes they call “martyrs.” They beat their chest and put their hand over their heart to show appreciation for what our kids have done for them,” said Jane Davis, president of the Upstate Blue Star Mothers that supports moms...
by skimhenson | Nov 7, 2010 | funny ones, recipes
Our family’s favorite pastime at our mountain house is roasting marshmallows in the fire pit. We used to straighten a metal hanger to do our cooking, but then came along marshmallow roasting sticks (I guess you can use them for hot dogs too) from Eddie Bauer. Now...
by skimhenson | Nov 6, 2010 | letting go
Out of charge. It’s the Energizer Bunny retiring for the day. No, it’s a charge card over the limit. No, it’s me when really I want to be in charge. The urge to take control was there the minute I hung up from talking to our daughter. She was walking into the...
by skimhenson | Nov 2, 2010 | patriotism, relationships, family stories
When I stepped into the voting booth this morning, it occurred to me I had no idea whether my parents were Republicans or Democrats. Strange, huh? I typically vote straight ticket and today was no exception. However, if Dad and Mom had been in line, they could have...