by skimhenson | May 31, 2012 | denial, living fully
Warning. Denial ahead. Our daughter licks cookie dough from the beaters and eats cake icing by the spoonful. She spreads Nutella on her waffle for breakfast unless she is eating icing-drenched cinnamon rolls from McDonalds. When we went to dinner recently, she ordered...
by skimhenson | May 24, 2012 | acceptance, life improvement
“I took off all my clothes and stood in front of a full-length mirror. I told myself, ‘You’re going to stand here until you love what you see.’ It took time, but I did it. I walked away with some self-acceptance.” This quote is from an overweight friend who was at her...
by skimhenson | May 16, 2012 | love and grace, relationships
“Do you feel the Holy Spirit, right here, right now? Do you feel him?” “I think so.” “You think so? Either you do or you don’t.” Sitting across from a family member in a fast food restaurant, I listened while he talked about my salvation. He questioned...
by skimhenson | May 7, 2012 | Uncategorized
“I noticed you haven’t been blogging. Any reason?” emailed a writer friend a couple of weeks ago. I had not posted on my blog in April, not one single time. Yep, there was a reason. I contracted a terrible case of blog envy. I’m not sure when it began, but in...